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80/20 Website Accessibility:
Small Changes that make the biggest difference to your site's accessibility

Imagine if you were running ads to your website, and about 1 out of every 4 of the folks that tried to click through to your site were blocked from accessing it.
You’d probably be calling your web developer demanding a solution ASAP – we’re wasting ad dollars here!
Well the truth is, up to 25% of the population lives with some sort of disability (according to the CDC), and you may be unintentionally blocking these folks from using your website (and buying your products or services) due to poor accessibility.
Making your website accessible (meaning, making it usable by folks living with disabilities) is the right thing to do. But it also makes good business sense.
Having an accessible website means you can:
- reach more people
- get more clients
- and make more money.

You didn’t start your business to become an expert in accessibility.
However, if you start digging down the rabbit hole of website accessibility, you’ll feel like you need to be an expert to make any progress.
First, you’ll probably be pointed towards the WCAG Guidelines (which are pages upon pages of dense technical jargon).
Then, you’ll start getting ads for “solutions” that cost $$ per month and claim to make your site immediately 100% accessible – but they sound too good to be true…
Between the overwhelm and confusion, your plan of working on your site’s accessibility gets pushed to the back burner. You feel bad, but what can you do?
Hi, I’m Mary, and I know exactly where you’re coming from.
I have a Master’s Degree in Information Technology, and have worked in various technical positions for over 20 years. I also build websites.
When I first heard of the concept of Website Accessibility, I knew it was important, and wanted to learn more so that I could make the sites I built as accessible as possible.
I was pointed to the WCAG guidelines and some (highly technical) courses and immediately felt overwhelmed. It was a lot of information. How in the world could anyone be expected to implement all of this? It felt like an impossibly large task for anyone other than a large corporation to undertake.

I knew how important it was to remove digital barriers from folks with disabilities, and I wanted to do better. But I was stuck with guidelines that weren’t prioritized in a meaningful way, and a mindset of – “you have to do ALL of these things or don’t even bother.”
When I finally got past that, I knew there were other online business owners (like you) that were in my shoes. You want to do better. You just need someone to break down the things you can do that give you the biggest impact. The 20% effort that will get you 80% of the results. That’s where 80/20 Website Accessibility comes in…

In this training, I focus on the small changes you can make that will have the biggest impact for the highest number of people.
Here’s what we cover in the training:
- The biggest issues preventing folks from using your site, and how to find them and fix them
- Changes you can make to integrate accessibility into your habits and workflow
- Why the paid solutions available aren’t the “quick fix” they appear to be
80/20 Website Accessibility is the recording of a 1 hour live training that took place on Oct 27, 2022. In it, I covered the most important things you need to know and implement when it comes to Website Accessibility.
$97 $47 for a limited time
Video recording